-Great Events Begin with Great Ideas-
Do You Have a Great Idea for an Event?
The World Is Full Of People, Ideas and Money,
But to Make Them All Three Come Together in a Successfully Completed Project,
it Requires Experience, Direction, Leadership and Insight.
Fact is, It’s a Lot Like Being a Big Hollywood Producer with a Great Idea for a Motion Picture.
For your Event, You are the Producer, the One Putting Up The Idea and the Money,
but you Need the Right Team of People, such as Actors, Screenwriters, Central Casting,
Film, Lighting and Sound Engineers, Catering, Wardrobes, Studios or Locations,
and Especially an Executive Producer and a Great Director, to Pull it all Together.
Matt Snow is Highly Qualified as a MC/DJ/Bandleader/Vocalist/
Executive Producer/Entertainment Director for any Event.
Let Us Help You to Bring It From “The Idea Stage” into Full Implementation.
Utilizing Our Skills and Over Forty Five Years of Experience in Putting on and Performing at 1000’s of Events,
We will Consult with you to Develop a Theme, a Concept and a Plan for the Entire Event.
Once we are in Agreement to Do Business Together,
This can be Done In Person or Via Phone Calls.
This Consultation is Followed by Our Creation and Email to you of a first Draft of the Entertainment Timeline.
Then Upon your Review and Acceptance of the Timeline,
We Create The Event Soundtrack,
Which Matches All the Recorded and Live Music, that will be Played or Sung,
with The Timeline’s Special Moments, Introductions, Formalities, Dances, and so on.
Then on the Day of the Event we are with you and your Staff of Co-workers or Family and Friends,
From Well Before the Guests Arrive,
Making Sure The Entertainment Staging Area is
Loaded In, Set Up, Sound-Checked, and Ready for the Guest Arrival and Subsequent Activities.
We Provide all Needed Talent, Musicians, Technicians,
Musical Instruments, Lighting and Sound Equipment Required for the Entire Event,
and when Finished we Remove all of our Personnel and Gear and Leave your Space as we Found it.
You will be glad to know, “Mission Accomplished,”
and to hear Rave Reviews from your Delighted Guests!
See the Next Steps:
[dcs_p] Planning Consultation [/dcs_p]
[dcs_p] Timeline Creation [/dcs_p]
[dcs_p] Soundtrack Creation [/dcs_p]
[dcs_p] Implementation [/dcs_p]